“The opposite of belonging is fitting in….”
Lewis Howes interviewed Brené Brown. DaeYoung Kim attended her to that.
It made Nienke wonder, “Where have I been trying to fit in and compromising myself to feel accepted in a way I thought I belonged?”
Even in the Dutch political system as we speak now, there is a battle of people hurt by the feelings of not belonging. Trying to ‘get’ it their way when a majority voted for them, sympathising with the suppressed. The victimhood responses are there, in different expressions. It is an interesting development, not without risks.
With phoenix frequencies, she realized: I belong to me, and if I can feel, at any time, comfortable with that, I am free to be myself without any pressure.
Where do you compromise your true self to fit in? Where do you compromise yourself so you feel you belong to your family, friends, or workspace, community or even country?
Do you dare to start with yourself? Don’t put the key to your belonging into someone else’s pocket. You own it, yourself!