It isn’t the heart OR the brain. The alignment of the two creates the shift in your life.
Based on personal experience, Nienke found the power of the brain’s neuroplasticity.
The brain can be trained to create new patterns when the old ones don’t function or serve you any longer. Jill Bolte Taylor’s book and TED talk My Stroke of Insight started Nienke’s curiosity about what was possible for herself and others in activating neuroplasticity.
In the Brain Rehab Centre in the Netherlands, she got the first tools she could apply herself. From there, Nienke developed her program for Emotional Self-regulation EASE. 2.0.
The EASE program tunes in on four different areas of development.
First, we look at the areas where you gain or drain your life’s energy.
From there, we discover where these areas show up in YOUR life and the patterns underneath these energy leaks. Here is where the unexpected perspectives play out in disguise. Revealing these patterns is the first step to transforming the patterns without any judgment, guilt or feelings of shame. Nienke helps you to add your Phoenix Frequencies to apply and become authentically resilient.
Becoming who you are, but you didn’t know YET.
In this part of the program, you learn to become the driver of your ‘life’s car’ again.
Based on what you can regulate, it becomes an effortless effort to change gears without the energy drains of the past.
There is no need to hand over your life’s remote control to the circumstances that will occur because that’s the reality of life.
In many programs, you can learn how to change cognitive behaviour. Sustaining from within yourself, your response-ability transforms not only your energy drain but also how you perceive the world, relationships, team collaboration and parenthood.
From the ownership of your emotions to communication and engagement with other shifts.
Getting there on the journey together in the program is a heart-smart choice that will shift your life and how you engage with the world around you.
If this is a program to shift your life to what you would like to explore, contact Nienke by filling out the form.